Give this phone sex whore some good shit


Phone Sex WhoreSometimes when coming up with role plays for this phone sex whore, I love being able to draw inspiration from my callers. Whether it be a mommy one where I take care of my baby boy. Or a mother in law, who’s looking for some nasty, naught fun. Also those that go for the teen getting caught jacking it to my photo again.

But, this one I did. Was one of the ones that will stick with me a bit. Because it started like all of the other ones, just in bed with my baby boy. But he was apprehensive about wanting to rub his hard cock against my plump ass. Such a shy boy…

I just started to take over and let him ask what he was allowed to touch. To which I would guide his hand to where he wanted to go. He got more excited to more he was allowed to touch. Be it from my tits, to my butt, to my puss…

He loved every bit of what I could give. Showing him how the best of sloppy blow jobs come from this mommy. Slobbering and sucking till he went cross eyed from the orgasm. Shooting his load everywhere.

Next time, he does want this pussy. And I’ll guide him into how to fuck it properly.

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