Gabbys a dirty Breeding Whore

breeding whoreDaddy says I need to be honest with the world. I am nothing but a dirty breeding whore. Daddy says that because I know how to spread my legs and suck cock, I really should just give up and quit school. I do like it when he gets really mean and calls me names. My favourite is cum dumpster. I can’t help it. I love the feeling of being stretched full. While i’m pregnant and while I’m trying to get pregnant again! Now, my daddies cock is the best, but each of my little ones have different daddies, I think.. Okay I fuck a lot, but I fuck good and  always fuck with the purpose of getting cum. Daddy says he does like it before I start showing. Every time we play like he is going to breed me when he cums bareback in me. And when I am showing he starts calling me things like breeding cow, and stupid little piggy slut! He says if my little cunt wouldn’t get wetter and I pump my hips harder, he wouldn’t enjoy calling me names and beating up my pussy!


  1. i should be a sperm donor i seem to be cant miss i was married 31 yrs deprived from sex my x wasnt a fan i seeem to have the male gene have 4 boys im divorced helped a friend get impregnated she just had him last month if interested reply

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