When I’m not having Mom phone sex, I’m generally playing with my hot mommy pussy one way or another. I have very much enjoyed almost every shift I have here. They all hold me over until my son and his friends finish their daily activities. My favorite young one to play with is his friend with a huge black cock. Something about BBC makes me drip just thinking about it. He can generally fuck me longer than the other brats without cumming. Last night I had made dinner, and he came over. After dinner, my son wanted Mommy to play with his cock. His friend wanted wet mommy pussy instead. My son knows how easygoing I am but a filthy cum whore at the same time. That BBC spent no time propping mommy’s ass in the air so he could stick his tongue in my pink rosebud. This made my cunt start to drip automatically. My son grabbed the back of my head and shoved my face down his cock. Nothing is better for dessert than cum in mommy.
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August 4, 2023
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