Cock sucking mommy like me always suck out what we want.

Cock sucking mommyI still remember his face when he realized I wasn’t just the new stepmom but was also going to be his Cock sucking mommy and fuckbuddy. He was so surprised, his cock so rock hard within seconds, and I couldn’t allow it to stay that way. My lips are what tasted his iron manmeat first, and it tasted like everything I had expected it to for so damn long. Pressing the tip between my lips I made sure my tongue gave it quite the lashing to widen his eyes and surprise him into bucking into my mouth. I bet from dumb girls at school he probably expected me to react badly to surprise, but I was ready and expecting. I didn’t move, I let him fill my Mommy whore mouth with cock on his own accord, and I could already tell he was in heaven. That salty facefuck tool was already repeating the process again, and again, and again within seconds. It wasn’t until I was sure he was ready that I began to bob myself, engulfing him in warm cheeks and my wet mouth, that I saw his eyes roll back and uncomfortable admiration turn to pleasure avarice. This became his stomping ground, my body is treasure and my lips his paradise. There wasn’t going to need to be another demonstration, he got the point, and I couldn’t be happier to drink him right up and partake in a gift so longed for. Seeking him out was a trial I’d rather not have to do again, but if it got me moments like this I’d do it a hundred times. My husband’s pathetic, but this boy is going to change my sex life forever if I have my way, and I will, I always have my way. Especially when I’m a Mommy sucking dick.

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