Have you had a long day my baby boy? Mommy is going to make it better. First thing is first though; we need to get you to your room and get those clothes off and get you into the bath. Once you are undressed I put you on the floor with your pacifier and a rattling toy so I can go start your bath water. I get just enough water in to cover your legs. I call your name and watch as you crawl into the bathroom and into the bathtub.
Your little baby cock needs a good cleaning and so does your bottom. I put some baby wash on a cloth and get every part of your now hard cock clean. I tell you to get on your hands and knees so I can clean your bottom. As I make sure my baby’s little asshole is all nice and clean I am reaching around and milking your cock, hoping, before I get your diaper on you have some lovely precum Mommy can lick off of her baby. I get you all dried off and tell you to crawl over to your changing table.

All clean and baby fresh I put a little talcum powder on your bottom while I am lifting your legs in the air to also get the diaper under your butt. As I put your legs down I see your cock is just getting harder and harder, but it’s time to nurse and put you down for a nap. With your diaper all snug you crawl to your big boy bed and jump in and ask for a story with your feeding. I grab your favorite Dr. Seuss book and unhook both sides of my nursing bra so you can feed. I lay next to you and with my hand, I bring my nipple up to your lips and rub it over them so you can feel the milk and lick it from your lips. You look up at me with a big smile and latch on. I feel the milk let down and start flowing into your mouth and you are grinding your crotch as if you are cumming. You let out a contented sigh and continue to suckle while I run my fingers through your hair and read your story. You suck me dry on the one side and start to fuss, so I roll over to your other side and give you my other nipple to suckle from. Instead of your hair, I start rubbing the hardness in your diaper. I pull my nipple out of your mouth and squeeze my nipple to spray some milk in your open mouth. As I do that you start grinding your hips again and make a fussing noise as if you are cumming again. Just before I am going to leave you to your nap, I check your diaper and it seems you’ve wet yourself in addition to cumming all over. Guess it’s time to clean baby up again. I hope this doesn’t get you all riled up and hard to put down for your nap.