Mom chat? I love talking to men about their mothers. I have no limits, so whatever your mom experiences or fantasies are, I am here to help. I started counseling my husband when he was a teen boy and I was in my 30s about his mother. He had the hots for her, that is why he was hitting on me. I knew he wanted his mommy when we started fucking. I was just a surrogate. I tried to help him fuck her, but she just was not going to give in like I did with my boys. I was happy to be his surrogate mommy if she was not going to be a mommy whore. I ended up marrying him. We love each other, but we used each other too. His mother would never fuck him, and I would. I could never legally marry one of my adult sons, but I could marry a boy their age. You may not always get your mommy, but sometimes a hot MILF is a nice consolation prize. Just ask my husband, he will agree with that statement.
Category: Horny milf pictures
Cheating Stay at Home Mommy
I am a phone sex milf because I can not be satisfied. I am just a stay at home mommy with a fetish for my littles. I could never be faithful to my boyfriends and certainly not to the man who married me. My rugrats all have different sperm donors. I don’t do anything unless I am getting fucked bareback. I have to have the feel of cum deep inside my mommy pussy. Because I could never just have one cock in my pussy for long. I was blatant about it. I am not shy about who I fuck and when I fuck. I would leave the house on dates and leave my man rubbing his dick when he texted me and I responded I was getting fucked. But most of the time being tied down or pregnant I had to have my dicks cum to me. So It was only natural that my Bebes’ saw the fucking and got curious. Many times I was watched by them as I gagged on a cock. I never wanted to admit my brats watching me made me horny as fuck. I got to where I was fucking on the couch and masturbating in front of them. I was so in denial about my P-mommy ways with the first two. But my oldest son and daughter masturbating and touching each other made it easy for me to start fondling and tasting P-cock and cunny. I still get fucked by any man I can but I am satisfied after a nice long fuck marathon with my littles now. I love when I get watched fucking and feeding my brats my milk. I always get the hardest and deepest fuck after!
Breeding is a Big Part Of My Life
I love being pregnant. I want to get pregnant as much as possible. That means that you can consider me a breeding whore. Having different cock in me makes me a very happy girl. It can’t just be any cock though, hell no. It needs to be huge and beefy. I like them long and thick. A huge mushroom head, a full ball sack, and I really do not care about the color of the man who has such a cock. Although, if they aren’t Caucasian, then it makes me super horny and I can really get into the fucking.
My Husband told me that he wants me to stop after this one. He is pleading with me to get a tubal ligation, but I refuse, it is my body, if I want to have little one after little one then that is my choice. The best part of it all is, they are only ten months to one year apart. It’s like having a litter. Ha! I told my husband that he will just have to work harder. It wouldn’t be fair to make me work, being pregnant and all.
Tonight I have one of my favorite bulls coming over. I am pretty sure the tiny tot that is growing inside me is his, but we won’t know for sure until after they are born of course. He stated that he hoped it wasn’t his because he doesn’t want to pay support. I told him not to worry about it because I wasn’t going to make him. My husband makes more than enough for all of us, and if there ever comes a time where he doesn’t? He can always get a second job. That made my bull so fucking happy. That’s when he told me he would be over tonight.
My husband already has my lingerie out, and will bathe me a little later, then he can watch as that big, fat, cock impales his wife’s pussy again and again. If he is a good boy, I might even let him clean me after I am done fucking.
Taking The Little Ones Out
We had to return some gifts that the little ones received from Family members on Christmas. We decided that we would make a day of it, exchange or return the items, go to the park, get ice cream, yadda yadda. I love Family outings. The reason why I do is because of the looks that we get when we are all together and walking around. My three other little ones are of different races and the one that I have growing inside of me is not completely Caucasian either.
My husband sometimes wants to tell people that we adopted, but that is a huge lie. He doesn’t want to get embarrassed. I really don’t give a crap about that, there is nothing wrong with our sweetie pies, so he should be proud to be their Father. It pisses me off a bit. When he gets that way I tell people straight out that they are ours. I am their Mom and he is their Dad. It is funny to see their faces when I tell them because you can see them trying to figure it out.
I can tell my husband gets nervous at this point because if they ask me how that is possible I tell them. I just say, “My husband and I have a understanding. I can get pregnant by whomever I wish and he doesn’t mind at all.” When that happens I know he just wants to melt into the floor. One time this one guy said, “What? Your husband isn’t big enough?” then laughed. I said, ‘No.” The guy laughed so hard, right in my husband’s face. Did I feel bad about it? Not in the least, because it is the truth.
Tristan is afraid that I will teach the girls to be just like me when they are older. I see nothing wrong with that. If they marry a man, or have a boyfriend who is big enough for them, then great. If not, then they will know exactly what to do. I consider that being a good Mom.