Breeding Whore Anal Fucking

breeding whore anal

I am so fucking uncomfortable. What does it take to make a breeding whore go into labor? This brat is pushing down on my bladder and kicking my ribs.

 Daddy has had me walk around the block and even take some castor oil! He says he doesn’t want me going to the hospital to get induced. Daddy would much rather have a home birth so he can fondle his baby girl and nurse as she gives birth! It always helps with the contractions and helps my brat slide right out of my stretched out Baby girl vagina. Midwives help so much in family breeding situations like ours! Just make sure your daddy, or brother doesn’t accidentally cum in the midwives face. Miss Jasmine still hasn’t forgiven daddy! I wish she would because her hands feel so good as she is rubbing my vulva coaxing out a stubborn brat! 

So daddy and I have tried everything, This morning the new midwife said I was dilated to a 3! I can’t believe that’s it! And when daddy said he would have to fuck me into labor I told him, that It hurt too much to fuck my pussy. He would probably dent my brats head in! And we don’t want that! It’s a sweet girl inside of me! Daddy adores little girls! That’s how I ended up like this! So Daddy said he would fuck my ass hole. And it felt real good and I was moaning, “daddy its gonna work, I’m gonna cum and go into labor!” and then it happened. We forgot all about the castor oil and I ended up shitting brown liquid all over daddy! It wouldn’t have been so bad but our new mid wife was coming to set up a birthing station and some feces got on her! Where are we going to find a midwife now! All because I shit all over daddy, the walls and the midwife. But .. oh I think this anal sex mommy is going into labor! 

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