Breeding Farm Whore

I am really enjoying my position (all of them), on the breeding farm!

It is almost time to get this little brat out and I am really looking forward to the latest method of extraction!

We tried everything and having my fertile cunt stretched is the best.

I love the way your arm feels as it fists my cunt, punching my womb, and reaching in and grabbing the little one right by the head and yanking her out!

The fisting has worked so well that sometimes, my cunt gapes so much, all I have to do is squat and drop!Phone sex mommy

The little monster plops on the ground covered in placenta and afterbirth and I just stand back up and walk away! Her survival is of little importance since she is one of many! It is great!

I leave her for the others to lick clean as I get my cunt filled with more breeding batter! Then my gapping pussy is stuffed with that thick fat plug, ensuring another little successful impregnation!

There are so many naked little tots running all over now and soon they will all be of adequate breeding age and ready to brand and sell!

Those little brats and bitches are making us a fortune and all we need to do is fuck, squat and drop, Repeat!

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