A good mom is her son’s Breeding whore

Breeding whore“Sssso good!”  His frantic, impatient pace inside his Breeding whore of a mom hastened the moment it really clicked with him exactly where he was. Just how deep in his slutty mommy he was pummeling and tunneling. Erratic pumps and bucks scorched my insides, his tongue invaded my mouth eagerly as he throbbed with passion and surprised me with his potent girth growing ever stronger.

I pushed him back, just enough to get a few words out, “You’re gonna make a cute whore of a sister,” I warned and that just made him all the hotter. He took back my lips by force, made me accept his tongue, dove for my love and made me do much the same in return. It was a powerful moment, as filled with bliss, sin, and melancholy as it was lusty righteousness. It was also the moment I received his love in my most sacred place, fulfilling a long held desire I’d let mature inside for him for years. I wanted his Impregnation phone sex load so deep, I wanted every drop he had to give me. I ground and dragged him in, holding him deep with my feet and pulling everything I could out of his balls and into my hungry snatch. A slutty mommy never hesitates to steal her son’s cum deep inside, and that’s just what I was doing with relish. I always knew he’d do this someday, just not when, and I was more than ready for him to dump his spunk deep in my folds without restraint. I felt him kick and pump inside, clearing himself right into me of all his lusts while I aggressively snatched at it with my swollen need. I’ve always been greedy for the love of all my boys, this was no different, and I made damn sure he had no escape route from my greedy pussy. “Oh wow.” I heard him grunt, taking it all in with a fierce afterglow. He knew he’d just given me another chance to be a Pregnant phone sex minx, and that meant another wonderful girl to teach or boy to ride.

“Your babies are making their way into my womb, right this moment.” I said with a huge grin. One that wouldn’t be out of place on a girl getting her first Christmas presents. My eyes fluttered, my hips continued to meet him. My tits, puffy, moldable, tips red and rounded, stood out for the children they’d soon be feeding. This was how I always made new sluts, off the cum of their older brothers.

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