Mom phone sex is so sexy

mom phone sex

 I thought it would be a perfect day for the park for me and my son. I am wearing a skirt and shirt that has my tits popping out the top of it. I love sitting with my legs wide open so that he can see the wet spot in my panties, pressed up against my pussy lips. I grabbed my sons hand and fed it under the bottom of my skirt. He pulled back my panties and started feeling up my pussy lips. I am making a sloppy wet mess all over his fingers. I look around and make sure no one is around I lean down and suck his cock into my mouth. I start ramming his big fat cock deep and hard into my mouth.

My pussy is drooling I beg for him to fuck me right here in the park and to give me that big fat cock. I pull my panties to the side and take his big cock right inside my pussy. He starts fucking himself in and out of me. I love feeling that big fat cock stretch me open. I am going to get that son cum inside of me. I love that I can fuck my son in public and squeeze out all that cum.


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