Mommy son phone sex

mommy son phone sex

My soaking wet pussy can not take not being filled up for one more second. It is late tonight, and I hear my son fumbling around in his room. I go ahead and go into his room and sure enough I see his fat cock in his hand. He is beating it up and down. I pull the covers off of him and get in between his legs.

I start sucking his cock into my throat very deeply. I love making it sticky wet. He holds my head and pumps himself harder and deeper into my throat. He can see his cock bulging out of my throat. I pop his cock out of my mouth and get on top of his cock and slide him inside my sticky wet pussy. I bounce up and down his whole shaft.

He is filling me up so much. I am not stopping until I am squirting down his cock and I get a fat load of his cum.

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