Mom fantasies have you rock hard, I have been wondering how I will confront you about your choice of porn, I know you think about me quite a bit and I always had the thought that mommy got you quite nervous, never would I have imagined you spent a lot of your free time thinking about how badly you want to put your cock in me. You just need to fuck me hard and make me your mommy slut. I came across some of your diary entries, I have always encouraged my youngins to write their desires in a journal or diary so the universe could bring them what they desire so badly, with the porn and the diary entries I knew I had to make my boy happy and make his desires reality, I always want to make sure I am keeping my men happy, not only my husband but my boys too. I gave him everything he wanted and more. He got to cum in mommy all night.
Mom fantasies
- By Daphne in Breeding whore, Cock sucking mommy, Huge tits phone sex, Milf chat, Mom fantasies, Mom phone sex, Mommy phone sex, Mommy whore, Phone sex milf, Phone sex mommy
December 3, 2017
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