Sex Education Second Day of Classes

phone sex mommy It is the second day of sex education classes taught by none other than Mommy Roxanne. We left off yesterday with having explored our bodies. We discussed the different names for body parts including the correct medical terms. But Mommy Roxanne only likes the nasty names like cunt, cock, and pussy, so in this class anyone using medical terms will be punished. Today we are going to be learning about how to use your tongue to lick and eat pussy. You were so excited when I picked you out of the class to come up front with me. Then I lean back on the desk and spread my legs wide. I have you get down on your knees and put your face in front of my pussy. I tell you that you must never start with my pussy, but build up to it by first licking and kissing on my inner thighs. Once my pussy is all dripping wet. I tell you to put your hands behind your back. You will not be using anything other than your tongue for now. Then with your tongue you start slowly licking up and down my pussy.

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