Your Breeding whore is about to pop and ready for more

Breeding whoreYour Breeding whore is about to pop & ready for more! My womb is warm and inviting, and I can feel my baby moving around inside me as I get fucked and I know she likes it too. Once this one is out of me, you have to get me pregnant immediately. I don’t want any time wasted, it’s important I provide Daddy with a litter of whores.

My pussy is always wet and ready for more. When I’m not pregnant, it’s tight and eager, wrapped around a big dick like a glove. But when I’m pregnant, it’s even better. It’s wetter than ever, and I can feel every inch of that stud’s cock as he slides in and out of me. And when he cums inside me, then it’s time to bring another life into this world to serve Daddy.

I’m making a harem of sweet baby girl pussies that are eager to please Daddy. They will learn right away how to be perfect little whores, just like their mommy. They watch as I get fucked and with a snap of Mommy’s fingers they will be on their backs, legs wide open for Daddy’s inspection.

These are your whores Daddy, we are here to serve you. Taste how sweet they are and make them cum on your face. Of course you can’t leave your Mommy whore out, I want their little mouths sucking on my clit while Daddy is ramming them from behind.


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