I considered some of these sluts like my own family. It’s like I have helped raise and train them to be the best pieces of fuck meat they strive to be. There is just something about a Mom with big tits that really get these girls to shut the fuck up and spread their legs. Most of them have major mommy issues or never had any family love them the way I do. That’s why I take them under my wing and mold them to be what I want them to be. I spread their legs and rub/eat their sweet cunnies as they tell me all the bad things that happened to them. They dissociate and cum to those thoughts as I take care of them; it’s simply beautiful and so wrong; that’s why I love it!
Each one of my girls knows exactly how to eat and fuck my Wet mommy pussy. They have no debates or complaints when I make them get on the ground and lap me up. They take dick appointments whenever I request them to. Even if they are not in the mood and don’t want to; they still get on their backs or knees and take cock. It’s so beautiful to see them play with my whole family and involve themselves in all the depraved play time sessions we have. I am so proud of how disgusting I am and I enjoy breaking whores in one by one!