I love teaching blowjobs on the Adult phone lines

Adult phone linesSometimes I have to take a more hands-on approach to the adult phone lines and push a girl’s head down. It’s blowjob week and that means teaching lessons, learning new things, and making girls do what they were made for, slut and get used by studs. Blowjob week is when I make sure every girl I have is not just capable of giving a blowjob, they’re capable of giving a good blowjob. That means holding her to it, pushing her down, swallowing his cock with her lips. Who he is? I dunno, I don’t really remember, but I’m sure she does. No one forgets a big cock they’re forced to swallow deep and wring free with their cheeks. A good blowjob involves a great amount of suction, a wonderful tongue play that keeps on giving, and enough consistent movement to pull cum out of even the most stubborn fuck meat in 2 girl phone sex. I decided this girl was taking far too long to do what she was supposed to, so instead of coaching her or teaching her the right way, I made her learn fast by pushing her head down so hard he ended up lodged in her throat, deep. Now she’d have to either work him off fast or have a very rude awakening later. That means she was officially on a timer to make him soft, and I was going to make sure she met it. That meant holding her hair and forcing her to bob, it meant coaching her on how to suck, it meant teaching her how to use her panicked spasms and tears to make it a better experience for the throbbing dick readying its grateful load for her. Blowjob week is always a lot of fun, especially when I get to pick the girl, pick the guy, and abuse them both at the same time. I’m making future breeding whore, it’s fun.


    • Jake on May 12, 2023 at 7:14 am
    • Reply

    My black mommy is the fucking best! I love you mommy!

    • Sam on May 12, 2023 at 7:14 am
    • Reply

    I love my black mom so much!

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