Training my girls as a Cock sucking mommy

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I’m a Cock sucking mommy and I’m training my girls to be too! Tonight I met a thick stud who was more than happy to train my girls, so giving one of them over to him was a no brainer. I was excited to watch him tutor her on how to suck and slurp his giant cock. It looked so big in her hands, and she made me proud opening her lips to kiss the length from base to tip. The first lap was necessary, the second was flourish, by the third I was making a note of just how much she was stalling. A little chiding and a hand on her head from him was all she needed to hurry it along and suck in that fat tip of his. She moaned in satisfaction, gave a great “mmm” and carried on like she’d been trained her whole life. It was wonderful to see, especially as he got deeper past her lips and she sucked in her cheeks. I watched with relish, enjoying every moment of my daughter’s thick lips being pressed by an even thicker cock. My fingers dipped down and caressed my Wet mommy pussy, flipping the lid on my happy button for a little extra before going to town while watching my daughter make worship to someone who deserved so much more. “Don’t play.” I reminded as I noticed her pushing him from side to side in her mouth, “he likes it deep.” She made a sound of affirmation, a very cute and bubbly sound as cherry flush spread across her cheeks and over her nose in a powerful display of embarrassment. She took a breath, held it to make sure she got it right, and then pounced. I watched his meat slip deep into the throat of my little Breeding whore. I had to hold in a gasp at just how beautiful it really was to watch my hard work come to fruition on such a friendly stud.

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