Pregnant phone sex pissing

Pregnant phone sex

There are times that being a pregnant phone sex whore isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Nights when this brat is laying right on my bladder make me run potty every hour and I have to cover up the sound of me peeing like a racehorse! I have peed for men on the phone before, but you never know if they are into piss games and I never want to say hey baby, I have to run pee. Can you give me a couple of minutes? Last night I was going to piss myself and ran to the bathroom, forgot to mute and let out the loudest stream into the potty. I was so embarrassed until my caller asked are you pissing? That’s so hot! He told me he would be the toilet paper to my pregnant pussy! ANd I learned a new fact, I’m not sure if its correct but he swears that a pregnant woman’s pee is sweeter than normal and he would drink me up like I was a hot toddy! I would gladly let any man be my toilet! 

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