Phone sex mommy needs your cum

phone sex mommy

 My hot pussy is still gushing and dripping from that last call. The call was getting really wild and hot when he asked if I had any toys. I suddenly remembered that Daddy had gotten me a few new things recently! I pulled out my kinky toy box and this naughty phone sex mommy got extra nasty with a fat dildo and my cute, new clit sucker toy. My pretty, little pink clittie was pulsing while I bounced my tight shit hole up and down on that big, thick fuck rod. I made my hot pussy squirt so much for him while I took that 12 inch toy up my ass. I moaned so loud that my brother could hear me downstairs. He came in to jerk his dick and watch his slutty sister cum but I needed to be fucked so bad that he ended up balls deep in my tight cunnie, pumping a thick load of cum into me. My cummy cunt is still wet, hot and ready for more!


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