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Whoops, I did it again. I accidentally sent a nude to one of my son’s classmates. Who am I kidding? I did it on purpose. I saw this youngin at my house, and all I could think about was making him have his first time with me. I knew horny milf pictures would make him my prey. As soon as I sent my nudes, I apologized profusely and invited him over for dinner, letting him know I was sorry. When he came, it was perfect. I sent my son off to the store. He still had no clue about my nudes to his friends. I knew the boy wouldn’t say a thing about the fiasco. It was perfect, making my son go off on a goose chase trying to buy some stuff at the store. It gave me plenty of time to seduce his friend. I apologized to his face. He was nervous and bright red; I asked him if he didn’t like what he saw, and he ended up confessing he played with himself. I think he was in shock. The truth slipped from his lips without thinking twice. I smiled and let him know it is okay and begin to rub his crotch, and pull his cock out, and seduce him some more. I turned a boy into a man. 😉 Would love to tell you some more about this hot little session.

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