Mommy’s Super Cunt

Milf Phone SexI knew it wouldn’t be long before daddy tried sliding his dick down my little ones throat!

Not that I mind…I mean he started early with me and look how well I turned out!

But I did not expect it from my mom!

Mom decided to give my little rug rat her 2 a.m. feeding, but it wasn’t her tits that were dripping!

I woke up ready to give the little pre whore her bottle of vodka and tit juice when I saw mom holding the tiny whore’s little toothless face against her old saggy clit!

Her wrinkled granny tits looked old and silver in the moon light and I realized with daddy fucking me and my new little tit sucker, she probably wasn’t getting any cock at all!

So I pulled the little one off her clit and moved that hungry mouth up to moms tits and then slipped a few fingers deep into mommies wet cunt!

Her pussy was so stretched that fitting even three fingers in her sloppy fuck hole was not hard!

So I did what any good slutty daughter would do for her whore mother!

I balled up a fist and pried her wet mommy pussy wide open!

I could feel her walls wrapping around my hand as I fist fucked her! With the little one sucking on her tits, and me fisting her cunt, I knew she wouldn’t last long!

I saw her back start to arch and her unswallowed nipple was hard and strong! Her cunt latched onto my fist and wouldn’t let go!

I was pulling with all my might but it’s like her pussy was hungry and intended on eating me whole!

Just then she unleashed a tidal wave of hot squirting cunt juice and I fell backwards as her powerful cunt released it’s vice grip!

She continued to shower me with her never ending flood of cum until it seemed like I would drown!

Damn that old hag had one powerful pussy!

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