What are Your Mom Fantasies?

mom fantasiesWhat are you mom fantasies? Most of my phone time is catering to the various fantasies boys have about their mothers. Many of my callers had a flirty or hot mom growing up. Maybe she had men over and was noisy at night fucking her boyfriend or lover. Maybe she dressed seductively around the house. Perhaps, she flirted with her son’s friends. I think those are all signs mommy wanted to fuck her son or at least thought about it. I feel sorry for boys because most think they are alone in their naughty fantasies. I think especially in the past 20 years since the Internet has been full of milf porn, more mothers and sons are masturbating thinking of each other. Does that surprise you? I know I was shocked when I realized my boys were thinking about me. They left me clues for months that went over my head. Some of the clues were my missing panties, mature porn on their computers and leaving their doors cracked a little so I could hear them jacking off. You might think those are no brainer clues, but to a mother that can be mistaken for typical boy behavior. Sort of coming of age rituals. You need to be bolder, so there is no doubt that you want your mommy whore. Let me explain things from a mom’s perspective. As we age, men our age are less interested in us. Maybe we are divorced, or our husband is cheating on us. We have some doubt about our sexual appeal, and we need a bold move because we do not want to be rejected. How can you make a bold move as an adult? Send a dick selfie with the text this is what happens when I think of you. Why? Because texting mishaps happen ALL the time. If she does not respond well, you can act embarrassed and be like I am so sorry that was meant for my wife or my girlfriend. If she responds well, then you just opened the dialogue. I am a phone sex mommy therapist. It is never to late to make your mommy fantasies cum true.

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