BBC Pregnant phone sex Lovers

pregnant phone sexThis pregnant phone sex mommy is having a bouncing baby girl! I am so excited to be bringing a mixed breed slutkin female into the world! I have a chance to make sure she knows how to please a man and daddy can pounce his little bitty dickie in her if he wants. I mean he isn’t her sperm donor everybody will soon see that! But he will have a couple of years to feel a nice sweet tight cunt before she outgrows him. I am really becoming a sick and twisted p-mommy with each brat I produce. My husband is a good man just not blessed in the dick department. He makes sure my pregnant pussy is satisfied and in return, I pop out tykes that he can use and pretend he has a grown man’s cock. It’s a win-win situation in my eyes. As long as he keeps bringing BBC and long dong silvers to fill me up and be my sometimes fluffer, everything will be peaches and cream. Lots of cream!

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