


Phone sex blogsYou are my slave you are my beast, do you know you are the one who will lick my ass like a peanut butter loving best friend, that’s who you are. I want you to understand without one doubt, is that correct you will clean my ass with your long erect tongue. You will do everything I tell you to do you will never say no to me. My asshole is very clean for you I cleaned it out very good for you I bleached my asshole and got this pretty pearl pussy laser hair removal, I am ready for you to sink your thick tongue into my asshole and suck my asshole like a vicious beast. I can’t allow you to fuck me because you have a very little pee pee it’s only very very small like a woman’s vagina so you cannot fuck me. You can use your tongue and force it into my pussy and let me squeeze your tongue what’s my pussy muscles. I’m willing to let you lick my pussy until I cum all over your mouth. I will give you my beautiful squirting juices for you to drink them. I want you to drink me up I want to shower your mouth. You are my slave, and I am your master I own you. There is nothing that you won’t do for me. If you make me happy I will use your face as my toilet. I will allow you to sniff my string because I know how you do it to your sister’s daughters string. You love me, and I love you-you are my special PEG-Project. If you make me mad, I will Peg you, and you know how mean I can be.

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