He loves to jack off with mommy

jack off with mommyMy son loves to come in my room with his lil dickie just so hard and jerk off for me and I just adore it! It’s so so cute and really sexy too, every single time he does it I get really wet and end up making him lick my pussy while he’s jerking that lil cock. Not that I have to try too hard to get his face on my pussy, he loves to give me special kisses every single day! This morning that is just what we were doing when my oldest son came in. He saw us fooling around and he was a little pissed off that I hadn’t invited him in there so he pushed his lil brother out of the way and fucked the shit out of me! It was hot as fuck, so intense and I couldn’t get enough! My boys are the best I could ever wish for!

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