Paternity Test

Mommy whoreI’m such a goddamn mommy whore, I really have no fucking clue who the fuck the father is of my youngster that’s baking up inside of me. To be honest, I couldn’t even take a wild guess if my life depended on it. I suppose that’s what I get for being such a slut and fucking every cock that I lay my eyes on! The bastard that’s in my womb may not ever have the joy of knowing who fertilized my eggs to create such a beautiful little one! It’s okay though, most of my other brats don’t know who the fuck their Daddy is either! Once I push the fetus body out of my cunt, I will first have to see what color the skin is. Whether it’s black, white, asian or hispanic, I still will have no fucking clue as to who’s sperm created such a naughty little human sex toy. It’s been such a pleasure to be cooking up over the past nine months but i’m ready for this little acrobat inside of me to come out and play! I have a paternity test ready to be administered to a few fuck buddies of mine that are coming to meet me at the hospital to take it but I know that in my heart of hearts none of them are the Dad! Thankfully I have lots of willing perverts who are more than happy to step up and be a naughty Daddy for my freshly birthed angel!

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