Impregnation phone sex Story

Impregnation phone sex

I remember the day I found out I was preggo with my current little one.  My husband was at work, I wasn’t feeling very good at all, but I had an appointment with one of My favorite Bulls.  My hubby came home, fixed dinner, bathed me, did my hair, then presented me with the cutest little lingerie set there ever was.  I made him put it on me.  This always does two things to him, it makes him feel horrible, yet excites him.  He knows that just because he buys me beautiful sexy things, that doesn’t mean that I wear them for him, actually I never wear them for him. 

My date arrived, He smiled at me and gave me a little bag.  I told My husband to open it for Me.  You should of seen the look on his face when he pulled out a pregnancy test.  I was pretty shocked too as I didn’t feel at all like I did when I was preggy with my others.  I told Him that I was just fatigued but I doubted I was pregnant.  My Bull told me that He knew, and He wanted Me to confirm it for Him.  He was smiling so big, as a matter of fact He was incredibly happy.  My husband’s hand was shaking as he gave me the package.  I thought he was going to cry.

Before I took the test though there were other things that needed to be done.  Namely, Me.  My Bull fucked the hell out of Me while My husband sat in the corner, waiting for his turn to join in.  By join in I mean, cleaning Me up after I had a load of cum ready to drain from my cunt.  After We were done, my husband actually got pissed off. He didn’t want to do his cleaning duties.  He was mad that I might be pregnant by My Beautiful Dark Skinned Bull. I made him lay down and smothered his face with my pussy, I wouldn’t let him breath until he at least started to clean Me.  He finally didn’t have a choice and cleaned me up.

I then went into the bathroom and took the test.  A couple of minutes later, I was jumping up and down excitedly, because I was indeed pregnant!  My husband became so upset.  I actually almost felt sorry for him, but only for a moment.  I noticed his little dicklet was harder than I had ever seen it before.  I think he was only acting that way because it is what any other man would do if they found out their wife was pregnant by another man.  However, deep down, he loved the fact that I was now carrying my Bull’s offspring.

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